Monday, March 10, 2008


ok, with a little more knowledge on the subject and after watching an "eye opening video" maybe my opinion on the war has changed.

So in this video Bush admits that At the time we (America) thought that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction but NOW after invading we have found out that they don't, so I ask this... why are we still there? also in the video Bush admits that Iraq has no correlation to 9/11. He said he has talked about the Human suffering in Iraq due to their leader Saddam Hussein but what does he think is happening now that we have invaded them? aren't they suffering even more now that we are there?

Bush even contradicts himself when he talks about the Iraqi people having so much hatred that they killed 3,000 of our citizens? but then later answers a question stating that Iraq has nothing to do with the attacks on the world trade center. wtf?

I am all for supporting our troops and doing whatever it takes to keep America safe but I seriously just want Bush to tell/explain the REAL down hard true reasons on why we are at war. Yeah so Saddam was a horrible Hitler like leader, and yeah the World Trade centers were attacked on 9/11 but if Bush admitted that 9/11 has no correlation with Iraq then why are we still at war? I believe in the fact that we started this war and we need to finish what we have started but it just seems like we are now just fighting the Iraqis for no reason.